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Two peers will review all papers, and awards will be given for highly commended papers. Reviewers recommended papers from the conference will be published in the International Journal of GEOMATE with a nominal fee for conf. registrants provided that the paper must be upgraded and rewritten according to reviewers' comments and journal templates.

International Journal of GEOMATE

(Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment)


The "International Journal of GEOMATE" is a Scientific Journal of the GEOMATE International Society that encompasses a broad area in Geotechnique, Construction Materials, and Environment. Special Issue: The journal includes papers on Structure, Engineering, and Environment under the category of special issues.


ISSN: 2186 - 2982 (Print)

ISSN: 2186 - 2990 (Online)

Frequency: Monthly

Indexed in: SCOPUSWeb of Science (ESCI), ISI (Thomson Reuters) Journal Master List, Crossref, DOI, EBSCO, Gale Cengage Learning, etc.

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Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities


Additionally, accepted papers could be recommended for the special issues of the Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities (SCSC) journal by Springer, subject to meeting the publication criteria.


Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities (SCSC) is an international open-access journal aiming to provide an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research platform for the application of information science, advanced digital technologies, and green sustainable technologies in modern cities’ construction, maintenance, and management to achieve low carbon, resilient, and sustainable cities.

Indexing and Abstracting

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